Griffin Steamer Case Study Blog

At Griffin, we understand the challenges faced by K12 foodservice staff in prepping, cooking, and cleaning to serve nutritious meals efficiently. Our recent success story in Buncombe County, NC, highlights the impact of the ETP-10 steamer from Crown/Market Forge. Let's check out how our Steamer Test Trial Program addresses the needs of school foodservice staff.

Under Pressure

The daily operations in K12 foodservice settings often present significant time and labor challenges for staff. With limited time to prepare and serve meals, it can be a struggle to maintain variety, nutritional value, and efficiency. The burden of installation, testing, and ensuring the successful adoption of new equipment adds to their workload, creating a need for streamlined solutions.
We introduced the Crown/Market Forge ETP-10 steamer at the 2023 NC SNA Show, offering a unique 30-day trial program to all districts; Buncombe County took us up on our offer. The program was designed to ease the burden on foodservice staff and provide a risk-free opportunity to experience the benefits of the steamer explicitly built for K12 use.

Time and Labor Savings:

  • Installation Cost: We worked directly with the facilities department to minimize installation costs and chose a day and time that did not interfere with kitchen operations.
  • 30-day Trial: The trial period provided schools with a generous timeframe to thoroughly test the steamer's functionality and assess its impact on their operations, all without any upfront financial commitment. Of course, the Griffin team fully trained the staff on steamer use so they could maximize their trial time.
  • Success Guarantee: After a successful trial, the streamlined process allowed schools to proceed with the purchase through traditional channels, minimizing the administrative steps involved.
  • Risk-Free Trial: Offering to remove the steamer free of charge in the event of an unsuccessful trial further reduced the staff's concerns about potential disruptions or additional work.

Elevating Operational Efficiency

The success of our program in Buncombe County, NC, resulted in orders for five steamers, underscoring the impact of the Crown/Market Forge ETP-10. The recent introduction of a 3-year parts and labor warranty further solidified the steamer's appeal, ensuring long-term support and reliability for foodservice staff.
 Fairview Elementary School Staff with their new ETP-10 unit. 

Streamlining With Steam

By engaging in our Steamer Test Trial Program, K12 foodservice staff can unlock the potential of the Crown/Market Forge ETP-10 steamer. This innovative solution aims to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and provide superior results, ultimately reducing the time and labor challenges faced in the daily management of foodservice programs.
If you are interested in more details about our exclusive invite-only Steamer Test Trial Program or the ETP-10 steamer from Crown/Market Forge, we invite you to download our comprehensive "Steamer Do's and Don'ts Guide" to gain insights into maximizing the benefits of this powerful solution.
Once the trial program launches, we'll share more details on how you can kickstart your journey towards a more efficient and effective foodservice program for your school.
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